Genealogy Resource List

Genealogy Resource List

The world of genealogy can be confusing to begin with so I’ve compiled a resource list to help you on your journey. This is by no means everything which is available out there and if you’re looking for something. If you’re looking for specific information around an event, you may be able to start off the search using one of the links below but don’t forget to check out other search options.

Google is an amazing tool to research your family tree as they can point you in the direction of certain historical societies and none-profit organisations. Have you gone so far back you’ve stumbled across an event or a piece of history you was unaware of? Give it a search in a search engine, Chances are that there are a few pages dedicated to what you’re looking for. Some older sites may have been setup years ago and a bit clunky to use but the knowledge they hold can be a goldmine! Also don’t forget to check out books available, if the event has been well documented you may find that someone has written a book on it.

In addition to the below, check out, They have an amazing Wiki available with hundreds of links to other websites and resources. The below is just what I’ve used personally.

As a side note as well, Public libraries have a variety of means to research your family tree. They also have access to free resources and databases, Check out your public library for these free resources which can help you if you’re on a tight budget.

The resource list

In conclusion there are many different resources available for you to use, the above is just some of my favourite and go to links that I used while researching my family tree.

If you would like further information about genealogy, check out my introduction to genealogy here

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